Knee deformity or malalignment – varus/ valgus/ rotational

nee malalignment is used to describe abnormal positioning of leg in relation to the thigh causing excessive angle between the thigh and leg bones. This can be the deviation in sagittal plane (varus or valgus) or in rotational plane (torsion). This may be present since childhood or secondary to cartilage wear in the joint. Sometimes it can lead to abnormal stress in the joint causing secondary damage to the cartilage. It can lead to symptoms such as pain, difficulty in walking. When the symptoms are severe, your surgeon may suggest you the surgical correction of the deformity (Osteotomy) where the bone are cut, aligned, and fixed with the help of metallic implant. At the time of osteotomy surgery, your surgeon may add other procedures for injury to the meniscus or cartilage. You will be advised restricted weight bearing on the involved leg for first few weeks along with supervised physical therapy.
