Posted by: mustafiz | 0 COMMENTS
“Hi my name is Yvonne and I would just like to say how pleased I am that I met Mr Priyadarshi Amit at the time of meeting him I knew I had to have a right shoulder replacement, I could not move my arm very well and the range of movement in it was about 30 percent of what it should have been, I have rheumatoid and osteo arthritis. I met Mr Amit and he was very friendly helpful and professional, he told me I would have to have a reversed replacement in shoulder and I may not get full 100 percent of movement back but through him doing the operation and telling me how to go on with exercising I would say I have 90 to 95 percent movement back in the shoulder. I now need my left shoulder doing and wish Mr Amit would come back to England to do it, I have every confidence in him as he is so efficient and people who need to go to see him are the lucky ones.”
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