This procedure is performed arthroscopically to treat afrozen shoulder, and involves the tight capsule being divided all around the shoulder joint (360° capsule release). Your surgeon will also debride the subacromial bursa to remove extra-articular causes of stiffness. Following the procedure, the shoulder joint will be manipulated to obtain a full range of movement in the shoulder joint.
Commonly Asked Questions
What does Arthroscopic 360-degree capsular release involve?
Arthroscopic 360-degree capsular release is indicated for Frozen Shoulder which has not responded to conservative measures. It is a keyhole surgery, performed under general anaesthesia. Through tiny holes in the skin, the camera and instruments are introduced in the joint. Subsequently, the tight and inflamed capsular tissue is cut with a special device called radiofrequency probe. Once the capsule is released, the shoulder is moved throughout the range. It’s a minimally invasive procedure which usually is completed within less than 30 minutes.
How long is the stay in the hospital?
You will be admitted on the day of surgery and can be discharged within few hours of surgery.
Is there any precaution after surgery?
You will be given an arm support for couple of days; however you will be encouraged to move the shoulder as soon as your pain allows.
How long do I need Physiotherapy after surgery?
On an average, patients need physiotherapy for about 6-8 weeks. However, in some cases, patients are painless and have regained full movements within one to two weeks.
When can I drive?
You can start driving in 4-6 weeks once you are comfortable.
When can I go back to work?
You can start light duties in 2-4 weeks once you are comfortable. However, it may take almost 6 weeks or bit longer to start heavy duties.
Is the surgery safe?
The surgery is relatively safe. Sometimes, we encounter persistent stiffness especially in patients with uncontrolled diabetes. The physical therapy must be aggressive right from the beginning to avoid this complication. Only very rarely, one would consider a revision capsular release.
To know further about Frozen Shoulder, please visit ‘Frozen Shoulder’ under ‘Condition’ section
Rotator cuff Tear
Shoulder Instability or dislocation or labral tear
SLAP tear
Shoulder arthritis
Acromio-clavicular joint arthritis
Acromio-clavicular joint dislocation
Calcific tendinitis
Frozen shoulder
Biceps tendonitis or Proximal biceps rupture
Shoulder Impingement
Pectoralis major tendon tear
Collarbone (Clavicle) fracture
Upper arm bone (Humerus) fracture
Shoulder blade (Scapula or Glenoid) Fracture
Suprascapular nerve compressive neuropathy or entrapment
Sterno-clavicular joint instability
Sterno-clavicular joint arthritis
Snapping scapula syndrome
Scapula dyskinesis
Winged scapula
Shoulder arthroscopy
Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Superior capsular reconstruction
Tendon transfer
Biceps tendonitis or Proximal biceps rupture
Labral repair – Bankart/ Posterior labral repair
Arthroscopic latarjet
Arthroscopic bone block procedure (anterior/ posterior)
SLAP repair
Arthroscopic excision of calcific deposits
Arthroscopic capsular release
Arthroscopic ACJ repair/ reconstruction
Arthroscopic distal clavicle excision
Comprehensive arthroscopic management (CAM)
Total anatomic shoulder replacement
Reverse shoulder replacement
Pectoralis major tendon repair
Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) clavicle
Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) humerus
Arthroscopic supraspinatus nerve decompression
Sterno-clavicular joint procedures (Excision or Reconstruction)
Scapulothoracic arthroscopy
Scapulothoracic fusion
Biologic resurfacing of glenoid
Glenohumeral fusion